About Us image
Starke County Historical Society was founded June 27, 1974 by a local group of citizens concerned about preserving our county’s rich heritage for future generations.

The Society owns and manages two sites.   The Starke County History Center, located at 1520 S Heaton Street, Knox, Indiana, showcases county history and memorabilia. It is open Fridays from 10:00-4:00 March through December.  The Schricker House at 401 S. Main St. was the home of banker, publisher, businessman, and twice-elected Governor of Indiana, Henry F. Schricker.  This site focuses on the governor and life around the late 1940's and early 1950's in Indiana.  Schricker House is open on selected dates, for special events, and private tours.

Our Purpose is the fostering of interest in local history and the preservation of Items of historical interest.  The SCHS shall collect, record, preserve and arrange historical artifacts, documents and images, providing educational and research opportunities, which foster an understanding and enjoyment of the area's cultural and natural heritage through museum displays, demonstrations, interpretative programs and special events for residents and visitors.

The Executive Board consists of the Officers of the Society - President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer; Township Directors (9); At-Large Directors (3) and (2) School Representative Directors.

2025 Board MembersPosition
President Ken Walter
Vice President Russ Blais
Secretary (vacant)
Treasurer David Geisler
California Twp. Lois Huntington
Center Twp. Brent Van Norman
Davis Twp. Rick Martin
Jackson Twp. Mark Rippy
North Bend Twp. Dr. Merlyn Lucas
Oregon Twp. (vacant)
Railroad Twp.  Alice Dolezal
Washington Twp. Peg Brettin
Wayne Twp. Venita Cunningham
Members-at-LargeDawn Ferch
 Marcia Lochner
 Gwen Rentz
Knox School Rep. Alan Selge
 Dolores Surfus
Starke County Genealogist *
Starke County Historian *
 Venita Cunningham
         *non-voting positions